Saturday, February 18, 2006

Tree Divinity

The world is blessed
by the presence of trees.
copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Artistic Bark

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Dream Apples

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Handsome Gate

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Ash Tree

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Red Persephone

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Persephone Emerging

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Persephone Fair

Underworld Queen
copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Storybook Cottage for Imogen

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Afternoon Light - Plane Tree

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ancient Crepe Myrtle Study

These flowers are ages old, and the myrtle
species captivated the ancients in much the
same way as we admire them today. This
shows the enduring power of nature, and
satisfies the human need for beauty.
copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Autumn Nature Harvest

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sea Treasures

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nature Floral Wallpaper

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Ancient Vessels

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Welcome Queen Conduir-Amour

Welcome Queen Amour -- I chose these red
flowers to welcome you because of the
colour, dramatic like the Opera!
copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ancient Treasures Unearthed

Ancient ceramics and porcelain survive the ravages
of time and earth. Fire has preserved them, and
they remain intact, fragile yet strong.
copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Bloom Season

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Sepia Dragon - Chinese New Year

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese Art Book Images

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.

Art in Nature

What we see, everyday, is what we know. The changing nature of time and evolution stretches our viewpoint, so we may think something new everyday. The things we see, then, can appear to change and transform, what we know.

What appears never to change, is actually doing so. These images of sky, were taken within seconds of each other. The changes are obvious, even on a still day...

copyright Imogen Crest 2006.